Fantastic Turnout for Local Crime Summit

Greg Hands MP for Chelsea and Fulham reporting back

Greg Hands MP hosting his local Crime Summit

November 27, 2023

Dear Resident,

I hope that you are well.

I hosted my latest Crime Summit on Thursday, 23 November 2023 in St Dionis, Fulham. I regularly host public crime meetings to give residents the opportunity to raise concerns and questions about crime in the local community directly with the Metropolitan Police and local elected representatives.

There was a fantastic turn out, with many residents from across Fulham and Chelsea attending. I would like to thank everyone who took the time to join the meeting and for raising important points and questions. The questions covered a wide range of concerns and topics, and a huge thanks to the brilliant panel for responding to every question asked of them.

On the panel I was joined by Hammersmith and Fulham Police officers - Superintendent Craig Knight and Sergeant Tom Martis-Jones, Assembly Member Tony Devenish, and Fulham Councillors - Councillor Victoria Brocklebank-Fowler and Councillor Andrew Dinsmore.

Working to keep Chelsea and Fulham safe is a key part of my local plan, and making sure residents feel safe is a priority. Therefore, I was pleased to report to residents that there are more police officers in England and Wales than ever before. The Government has delivered on its 2019 manifesto commitment to recruit 20,000 additional police officers.

In London, 3,666 extra police officers have been recruited, bringing the total number of officers up to 36,418, which is a record high. The Government has put more police on the beat, increasing police presence, which I know is important to Fulham and Chelsea residents.

The Government is also introducing tougher laws banning the sale of machete and zombie-style knives, which I have been raising with the Minister for Crime and Policing, Rt Hon Chris Philp MP.

Furthermore, since 2010, crime excluding fraud has been cut by over 50% – making our communities safer. Theft has been reduced by 20% and domestic burglary by 30%. The Government has also taken 90,000 knives off our streets through stop and search, surrender initiatives and targeted police action since 2019.

It was good to hear from the Police about the increasing officer numbers, the plan - A New Met for London, and local data such as residential burglary being down. There was also encouragement from Tony, Victoria and Andrew to report crimes and get involved in ward panels.

Thanks again to every resident and the panellists who attended!

Yours sincerely,

Greg Hands

The Rt Hon Greg Hands MP

Member of Parliament for Chelsea & Fulham

You can follow Greg on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram by searching for @GregHands

P.S. Thank you again to all residents and panellists who attended!


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