Key Findings from the Summer Survey

Greg Hands MP for Chelsea and Fulham reporting back

Greg Hands MP

October 16, 2023

Dear Resident,

I hope you had a great Summer!

As many of you will know, in early August I launched my Summer Survey so that I could hear directly from residents, and they could share their concerns and priorities with me.

Thank you to everyone who took the time to respond. The survey had an excellent response, with over 900 residents from across Chelsea and Fulham submitting their answers!

My team and I have spent some time reviewing the responses and I am excited to share the results with you.

As the local Member of Parliament, I am always keen to hear more about what the residents of Chelsea and Fulham want me to prioritise on their behalf. Despite having won 5 general elections here, I am never complacent about improving our local area. It is so important that I keep focusing on the priorities that we all share.

So, let’s get right into it….

Results – Key Findings

Of the issues listed in Greg’s plan for Chelsea and Fulham, which three are the most important in your view?

  • 70% of respondents selected ‘Making our streets safer’.
  • 66% of respondents selected ‘Saving our bus routes’.

Which three national issues are the most important to you?

  • 67% of respondents selected ‘Grow the economy, creating better-paid jobs and opportunity right across the country’.

Which campaigns that Greg is working on are you supportive of? Here are the top three results:

  • ‘Fighting to reopen Hammersmith Bridge’ was selected 544 times.
  • ‘Saving our local buses from Mayor Khan's Transport for London cuts’ was selected 567 times.
  • 'The floor-by-floor refurbishment of Charing Cross Hospital' was selected 458 times.

Looking at the first question, while all the issues listed in my plan remain a concern for residents, 70% of people selected ‘Making our streets safer’ and 66% selected ‘Saving our bus routes’. Therefore, I am keen to explain some of my action on these two key issues.

Ensuring that residents feel safe is one of my priorities as your Member of Parliament. I regularly meet with the local police so that I can raise residents’ concerns directly and I continue to highlight cases and trends to the Police, for them to take away and review.

The Conservative Government pledged to put 20,000 additional officers on the streets by 2023 and we have achieved just that, as over 21,000 new police officers have been recruited across England and Wales since 2019. This means that we now have an additional 3,666 police officers in London. We have put more police on the beat, increasing police presence. The Government is also introducing tougher laws banning the sale of machete and zombie-style knives.

As announced in my weekly newsletter, I am holding my next local Crime Summit on Thursday, 23 November at 1900h -2030h, where residents will be able to put their questions and concerns regarding crime directly to senior Met Police representatives, local Councillors and me. The location will be announced to registered attendees 24h before the event. You can register here!

Furthermore, I will never stop fighting for our local buses. Saving our beloved local bus routes from the Mayor of London and Transport for London’s (TfL) outrageous cuts last year was a brilliant local victory!

Local representatives and I led a huge campaign which culminated in a blockbuster petition of over 10,000 signatures. Clearly our action made a massive difference as we saved 14, 74, C3, N74 bus routes!

I expand on the key findings in my Special Bulletin, which you read by clicking HERE.

It is clear to me that 'Making our streets safer’, ‘Saving our bus routes’ and ‘Fighting to reopen Hammersmith Bridge’ are important to residents across Chelsea and Fulham. Therefore, I will continue to ensure that these remain a top priority for me and my team.

It is always vital to hear your views so please do contact me at!

Thank you again to everyone who took the time to respond to my survey, your support is greatly appreciated.

Yours sincerely,

The Rt Hon Greg Hands MP

Member of Parliament for Chelsea and Fulham

P.S. I am so proud to represent Chelsea and Fulham – so thank you again for taking my survey!
You can follow Greg on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram by searching for @GregHands


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