Hammersmith Olympian Joins Local Junior Rowers

Henry Fieldman and other Team GB rowers visit Fulham Reach Boat Club

Henry Fieldman (cox) with local young people at Fulham Reach Boat Club's event

August 19, 2024

Young people at a local rowing club got to meet a members of Team GB’s rowing squad last week.

The Olympians were visiting Fulham Reach Boat Club during Watersport Weeks, a series of free water sport sessions on the Thames.

On Wednesday (14 August), Olympic quartet Holly Dunford, Lauren Irwin, Annie Campbell-Orde and Hammersmith-born cox Henry Fieldman shared their expertise with 22 local teenagers.

Henry, fresh from his bronze medal win in Paris, led a group of young rowers through drills. “We went up and down the river, had a chit chat and got some rowing in. It was really good fun, I hope they enjoyed it.

“It’s an awesome initiative. It was so cool to see it in action.”

Henry Fieldman’s passion for rowing was sparked during his time at Latymer Upper School in Hammersmith.

Twenty years on, the 35-year-old cox made history in Paris as the first to win an Olympic medal in both women's and men’s events, following his bronze win at the Tokyo games in 2021.

Following his time at the Hammersmith school, Henry went on to study Biology – and row – at Imperial College London.

He said of his achievement, “It wasn’t planned, I just wanted to win an Olympic medal – and could see that the women’s team was really, really strong.

“We didn’t really have a women’s eight when I joined, we sort of had to build one from scratch. To get selected and race with that crew has been awesome and one of the greatest experiences of my life and I’ll hold onto that forever.”

As part of his business, Coxing Consultancy, he now coaches people of all ages helping them improve their performance.

“The lesson I’ve learned is that rowing is teamwork personified – the boat won’t even travel forward without people working together. I think it’s just so awesome that Fulham Reach is providing that learning moment for local young kids.”

15-year-old Katarina from Lady Margaret School, said, “To hear from someone who’s made it to the top was such an interesting experience. They’re definitely role-model material.”

Rowing fun at Fulham Reach Boat Club - including Lady Margaret student KatarinaRowing fun at Fulham Reach Boat Club - including Lady Margaret student Katarina (back)

The club, which is one of H&F Mayor Patricia Quigley’s designated charities of the year, has been offering the free sessions as part of H&F’s Summer in the City programme which continues until 30 August. So far 66 young people have participated in events this summer.

The Olympic visit was made possible thanks to the Changemaker programme – a Team GB initiative funded by The National Lottery and UK Sport.

Fulham Reach Boat Club is set to take part in this year's The Big Give campaign, offering residents a chance to support its 'rowing for all' mission. All donations will be match-funded and help pay for new boats and junior memberships for aspiring local rowers.

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