Local Pubs Join Campaign to Tackle Suicide

Hospitality chain Fuller's teams up with the council

Eleven pubs will be displaying ads around Suicide Prevention Day. Picture: iStock/H&F Council

September 9, 2024

Pubs across the borough of Hammersmith and Fulham are participating in a new advertising campaign in an attempt to reduce suicide rates.

Timed to coincide with Suicide Prevention Day on Tuesday 10 September, eleven pubs owned by Fuller’s will be displaying adverts encouraging people to contact local mental health services if they need help.

The new adverts will appear in prime spaces in 11 local Fuller’s pubs. The QR codes will direct users to local charities such as The Listening Place, Andy’s Man Club and the Mental Health Single Point of Access.

The pubs participating are:

The Andover Arms, Hammersmith
The Blue Boat, Fulham Reach
The Cross Keys, Hammersmith
The Crown and Sceptre, Shepherds Bush
The Distillers, Hammersmith
The Dove, Hammersmith
The Hand & Flower, Hammersmith
Latymers, Hammersmith
The Queens Head, Brook Green
The Salutation, Hammersmith
The Stonemasons Arms, Hammersmith

Fuller’s team members will also be offered specialist training through the Zero Suicide Alliance equipping them with the skills to spot the signs of someone struggling. And give them the confidence to strike up a potentially life-saving conversation.

Data published in August 2024 show that England and Wales are facing the highest suicide rate since 1999, with the highest rates among men aged 45-49.

This is also reflected in the statistics for the borough, with a much higher rate amongst local men than women.

Local public health experts explain that this could be because men often find it the hardest to talk to others about their feelings.

Dr Nicola Lang, H&F Director of Public Health, said, We want everyone to know that help is available, and you don’t have to face anything alone.”

Monique Samra, People Experience Manager at Fuller’s, added, "Our pubs and hotels are more than just places to eat and drink – they’re places where the community comes together. We’re proud to be part of this life-saving initiative, and we believe that by giving our team the tools to recognise and respond to someone in crisis, we can help make a difference.”

Joining H&F and Fuller’s in the public awareness campaign will be the Lillie Road Fitness Centre in Fulham, the Hammersmith Fitness and Squash centre and Phoenix Fitness Centre in White City, who will also be offering space to advertise mental health support available in H&F.

Dr Lang added: “Fuller’s pubs and fitness centres are at the heart of our community, and their support in this campaign is invaluable.”

For more information about the campaign or to access mental health resources, visit the council’s Reach out: help is available webpage.

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