Eel Brook Common Gets Green Makeover

Much needed improvements to northern end now underway

A digger undertaking works on Eel Brook Common

November 27, 2023

The northern end of Eel Brook Common, by Effie Road is getting a much needed green makeover.

As visitors to the common will have seen, the bulldozers have already moved in to remove the remains of an old play area, including what was once a concrete paddling pool.

H&F Council says they will be replaced with landscaping and greenery to make the space more attractive and safer for local people, and they will also help prevent flooding by improving drainage and boosting biodiversity.

This “Grey to Green” project has been funded by a £75,000 grant from the Mayor of London’s Grow Back Greener Fund 2022 as well as negotiations between the council and private developers.

The Mayor’s Office says: “ The London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham, working with People Arise Now, Action on Disability and Wandsworth Bridge Road Association, has been awarded £75,000 to transform an underused concrete space at Eel Brook Common to green space.

“The project will depave a 1700m2 grey area, install sustainable drainage to tackle surface water flooding, plant a wildlife-friendly meadow and native hedging and improve access.”

Cllr Sharon Holder, H&F Cabinet Member for Public Realm, says: “We spoke with residents who told us that this section of the park felt unwelcoming and unsafe, particularly as the days are getting shorter.

“Thanks to your feedback, we will transform the space and make it more attractive and green. These efforts will also make it more able to cope with heavy rain to reduce flooding.”

Removing – or ‘depaving’ – hard surfaces, including layers of concrete, tarmac and rubber and replacing them with permeable surfaces such as gravel gives rainwater somewhere to drain and can help prevent flooding.

Visualisation of the new Eel Brook Common
Visualisation of the new Eel Brook Common

This initial work is due to be completed by the end of this week, with footpaths on each side of the space remaining open to pedestrians.

The council says the area will then be prepared for planting and the creation of new accessible walkways, with the addition of new trees and greenery to support local wildlife.

These works are set to begin early next year, and H&F Council wants to hear from residents interested in helping with planting or maintaining this improved space. If you would like to get involved, email the Parks team on

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